Make Tea -From leaves to a Cup, at Home

how to make tea at home
how to make milk tea at home
how to make a milk tea at home
how to make chai tea at home
how to make green tea at home, How to make green tea at home for weight loss.
how to make good tea at home
how to make black tea at home
how to process black tea at home, How to process green tea at home
How to make black tea at home

1. Pluck the tea twigs( two leaves and a bud )

2. Just grind the leaves.

3. Place it in sunlight, but cover it with a paper or just with thin sheet of clothes.

How to make green tea at home ; How to make green tea at home for weight loss.

For making green tea

1. Pluck the tea twigs

2. Steam the tea twigs

3. allow them to dry.

These are some steps following them you can make easily your cup of tea. The rest is

Boil the amount of water you want to take.

How to make green tea at home for weight loss. How to make green tea at home.

  For green tea: the tea leaves that were dried in a clean cup/ your daily tea siping cup.

Pour the boiled water.

Cover the cup for a minute or so.

Your healthy green tea is ready. Green tea is believed to be a weight reducer. You must avoid added sugar to prevnt weight loss.

How to make black tea at home

  For black tea : in the boiling saucepan put some sugar if you want  , and add the tea leaves that were dried in sun. Now pour the liquid in a cup but pass it through a tea strainer.

how to make milk tea at home
how to make a milk tea at home
how to make chai tea at home

In an special Indian cup of tea. Add milk to boiling water. The proportion of milk and water must be 1:1 or more milk is better. Add clove, cardamom or teared bay leaves to the tea and pour it in a cup through a tea strainer. As shown in the picture below.



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